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Monday, April 8, 2013

Real estate photographer career description

Real estate photographer career description

In this post, you can ref career description of Real estate photographer in details. A complete career description concludes Real estate photographer key duties/responsibilities, Real estate photographer career qualifications (knowledge, education, skills, abilities, experience…KSA model) and other ones such as daily tasks, key activities, key/core competencies, job functions/purpose…

I. List of Real estate photographer duties:

  1. Schedule shoots with local clients.
  2. Photograph homes, apartment complexes and units that reflect the Real Page brand.
  3. Shoot video of the complex that gives potential renters an understanding on the property layout.
  4. Deliver images/video in a timely manner.
  5.  Some paperwork required.
      6.            Travel up to 2 weeks or more per month within assigned territory
      7.            Rooftop geocode all properties
      8.            Create footprint for each building using polygon tool in field mapping software
      9.            Associate any assigned tenant locations to polygon, and photograph tenant space
II. List of Real estate photographer qualifications

  1. A Bachelor’s degree
  2. Must own a HDSLR(DSLR with HD video capture)
  3. Must own a wide angle lens.
  4. Min of 2 years of experience working as a professional photographer.
  5. Good verbal and written skills.
  6. Exhibits a professional demeanor. Is accountable, accurate and customer friendly.
  7. Ability to effectively manage calendar and work within deadlines given.
  8. Knowledge of Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet applications, Photoshop or comparable software
  9. The ability to quickly learn and apply new concepts such as commercial real estate terminology, mapping and GIS concepts.

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