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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Crime scene photographer career description

Crime scene photographer career description

In this post, you can ref career description of Crime scene photographer in details. A complete career description concludes Crime scene photographer key duties/responsibilities, Crime scene photographer career qualifications (knowledge, education, skills, abilities, experience…KSA model) and other ones such as daily tasks, key activities, key/core competencies, job functions/purpose…

I. List of Crime scene photographer duties:

  1. Report scientific findings in the form of a written forensic laboratory report based on the interpretation of observations and analytical test results.
  2. Testify in court as a qualified forensic expert witness.
  3. Responsible for quality assurance processes as mandated by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB).
  4. Assist staff in preparation for audits and inspections, and participate in training events where forensic topics are presented to customer agencies.
  5. Demonstrate the importance and mechanics of evidence chain of custody to ensure that the evidence collected from the crime scene is the same evidence that is later presented at trial.
  6. Coordinating with Program Directors to maintain core curriculum at the campus level
  7. Overseeing delivery of core curriculum at the campus level
  8. Preparing course plans and materials
  9. Delivering courses
  10. Monitoring progress/attendance
  11. Advising students
  12. Recording grades and submitting reports
II. List of Crime scene photographer qualifications

  1. Laws of arrest and pertinent local and State laws and ordinances.
  2. Safe use and care of firearms.
  3. Basic English grammar, composition, spelling, punctuation, and report writing techniques.
  4. Basic mathematics.
  5. Principles of crime prevention and suppression.
  6. Effective communication and public speaking techniques.
  7. Problem solving techniques.
  8. Effective interpersonal relations.
  9. Computer use and software applications.
  10. Gather, analyze, and evaluate facts and evidence and reach sound conclusions.
  11. Analyze situations and adopt a reasonable course of action.
  12. Observe and remember names, faces, numbers, incidents, and places, and judge situations and persons accurately.
  13. Use and operate a computer and standard equipment used in the department.
  14. Operate portable radar equipment.
  15. Follow verbal and written directions.
  16. Act quickly and calmly in emergency situations.
  17. Write accurate reports.

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